Is prostatitis treated? Treatment methods and prognosis

In the face of inflammation of the prostate gland, every man sooner or later raises the question of whether prostatitis can be treated. To assess the chances of complete restoration of organ function, it is necessary to accurately understand the mechanism of disease development.

Prognosis of acute prostatitis

Whether prostatitis is treated depends, first of all, on the type of disease. By the nature of the course, acute and chronic prostatitis is observed. Due to development, the disease is infectious and non-infectious.

The most favorable prognosis for complete restoration of prostate function is in acute inflammation. It is interesting that this type of disease is diagnosed in men of any age group, while chronic congestive prostatitis is a disease of older men. Acute inflammation of the prostate sometimes develops in children, against the background of infectious diseases of the urinary tract.

The cause of acute inflammation is infection of the prostate gland. The infection usually enters the body through the bladder or through the bloodstream. The causative agent of the disease can be both opportunistic microorganisms (E. coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa) and sexually transmitted pathogens (chlamydia, ureaplasma).

Bacterial prostatitis is curable if the disease is diagnosed in a timely manner. Treatment is performed with antibacterial drugs. The drug is selected taking into account the causative agent of inflammation. As a rule, drugs of the penicillin or tetracycline group, fluoroquinolones are used. Furthermore, a number of agents are prescribed for symptomatic therapy - anti-inflammatory drugs, antispasmodics, alpha-blockers for prostatitis, immunostimulants. Maybe schedule a physiotherapy course after removing the acute inflammation.

Acute prostatitis is treated within a few weeks; the course of treatment rarely exceeds two months. The patient is then prescribed herbal medicines to normalize the function of the prostate gland, which should be used for a long course. As a rule, acute infectious prostatitis detected in time is successfully treated and does not cause complications such as impotence or infertility.

This form of the disease can be suspected by rapidly increasing symptoms. Characteristic signs of prostatitis are pain when urinating, incomplete emptying of the bladder, cramps in the perineum and lower abdomen.

Prognosis for chronic prostatitis

It is necessary to consult a doctor if chronic prostatitis is treated. As a rule, this form of the disease develops as a result of incorrect therapy for acute inflammation of the prostate gland, or against the background of metabolic disorders in the pelvic organs.

Whether this type of disease is curable depends on the following factors:

  • patient's age;
  • disease stage;
  • severity of symptoms.

With age, there is an increase in the size of the prostate gland. This is due to the natural aging process of the body and changes in male hormonal levels. The older the patient, the more difficult it is to cure the disease.

Chronic prostatitis develops due to impaired circulation and lymphatic drainage in the pelvic organs. In most cases, it is diagnosed in obese men with a sedentary lifestyle.

Symptoms of this type of prostatitis are manifested by impaired urination, weakening of the erection and pain. The prostate gland swells, there is a thickening of the secretion of the organ, which can cause the development of infertility in a man due to a change in the composition of seminal fluid.

Whether prostatitis can be completely cured depends on how quickly the disease is diagnosed. The chronic form of inflammation develops slowly, it can take up to 7 years from the beginning of microcirculation in the organ to the development of inflammation. In the initial stage, prostatitis is successfully treated by normalizing organ trophism. For this, the patient is prescribed a range of medications and physiotherapeutic methods aimed at normalizing the tone of the vessels and muscles of the pelvic organs.

In the later stages of congestive prostatitis, irreversible changes occur in the organ. Long-term use of drug therapy becomes ineffective, so the only way to get rid of the disease is surgery. In this case, partial and complete removal of the organ (prostatectomy) is practiced.

Methods of treating chronic prostatitis

Whether chronic prostatitis in men is treated depends on when the man went to the doctor. In the initial stage of organ trophism violation, drug therapy is used. The following are used for treatment:

  • prostate protectors;
  • medicines to improve blood microcirculation;
  • blocking alpha;
  • immunostimulants.
drugs to treat prostatitis

To relieve inflammation, patients are told to take non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. The course of treatment rarely exceeds 10 days. The therapy then continues with herbal preparations, the action of which is aimed at improving blood microcirculation in the inflamed organ. Since the disease is associated with a violation of urination, drugs of the group of alpha-blockers are used. Their action is aimed at relaxing the muscles of the bladder wall and prostate gland. The drug acts directly on the receptors that regulate muscle tone. This allows you to reduce the pressure of the prostate on the surrounding tissues and normalize urine flow by relaxing the bladder.

Chronic prostatitis is treated with immunostimulants. After removing the inflammation and reducing the edema, it is important to prevent the development of a worsening of the disease, which is often observed with less hypothermia or a decrease in immunity.

Physiotherapy - treatment with electricity, magnetic field, ultrasound allows you to restore blood circulation and metabolic processes in the cells of the organ. As a rule, with the timely detection of congestive prostatitis, a properly developed medication and physiotherapy treatment regimen minimizes the risk of disease progression in the future.

Radical treatment

Once you understand whether prostatitis is curable or not, it is important to understand that in some cases, the medication will have to be taken for many years. Over time, the effectiveness of drug therapy decreases, so the only way to get rid of the disease is surgery. Depending on the severity of the inflammation and edema of the organ, partial removal of the organ or radical prostatectomy is practiced.

The first place among the methods of prostate impact is occupied by minimally invasive surgeries and laser treatment. During this procedure, a layer-by-layer burn of small areas of the prostate gland is performed, the tissue of which has been altered as a result of prolonged edema. The operation lasts no more than a few hours and the rehabilitation lasts a few days. Full recovery will take no more than a month. The advantages of minimally invasive methods are that there is no risk of bleeding and complications. As a rule, such an intervention does not in any way affect reproductive function and erection. Patient feedback allows us to conclude that laser exposure to the prostate gland in the prostate is the most effective and efficient way to treat chronic prostatitis.

prostate surgery

Useful tips

Prostatitis imposes a number of limitations on the patient's life. To speed up the restoration of the prostate gland will help:

  • Balanced diet;
  • rejection of bad habits;
  • regular sex;
  • moderate physical activity.

An integrated approach is needed to get rid of the disease. In addition to drug treatment, physiotherapy, massage, a set of exercises to normalize blood circulation to the pelvic organs are practiced. In addition, patients are told a diet, foods that are beneficial to men's health are included in the diet - citrus fruits, nuts, squash. It is recommended to take flaxseed and pumpkin seed oil as dietary supplements.

Chronic prostatitis requires careful attention to one's health, otherwise any hypothermia or stress can cause a deterioration. Frequent exacerbations of prostatitis lead to disease progression and impaired functioning of the prostate gland. In order for the night's urge to urinate to be a thing of the past and never come back, in addition to taking medications to relieve inflammation, it is necessary to take immunostimulants. To strengthen the nervous system, it is indicated to take B vitamins, magnesium medicines, sedatives.

It is important to remember: any disease can be successfully treated if diagnosed in a timely manner, and prostatitis is no exception. If the patient does not start the disease, follows the doctor's recommendations and does not self-medicate, you can get rid of prostatitis.